In 1980’s approximately 100,000 Salvadorians migrated to the
United Sates as refugees escaping from the Civil War. As a result
of this, MS-13, which is the abbreviation for Mara Salvatrucha,
was formed in Los Angeles, California. It is believed the name
was obtained from combining the name “La Mara,” a violent
street in El Salvador, and the word Salvatruchas, which was a
term used to address members of the Farabundo Marti
National Liberation Front (FMNL) during the Civil War. The
FMNL was a group of Salvadorian peasants trained as rebel
fighters. The number “13” was added as result of the 13th
street in Los Angeles (Feur 4, Valdez 1 &Gang Resources 1).
Ever since, this gang has grown rapidly throughout the
United States and has expanded to different countries in Latin
America. Its international growth categorizes this gang as
a global issue; the strategies for preventing this gang from
growing should focus on schools offering mentors and
after school programs.
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